Water Video
Transportation Video
A Message From Colby
Friends & campaign supporters:
My campaign pledge and values …
I have ran this campaign as I have ran my business and civic organizations — above reproach with the utmost respect for the rule of law, ethics, and organized detail & planning.
I have ran this campaign with the purpose of educating constituents as to why one should vote FOR me, rather than vote against my opponent.
I want you to KNOW …. I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative!!
I am committed to be a FULL-TIME COMMISSIONER. The County Commissioner is a full-time position. I have planned and prepared to step away from the day-to-day responsibilities of my company, and commit fully to the taxpayers and citizens of Precinct 4 as I serve as their Commissioner. I have not and will not treat this position as “part-time”.
I have the personal support of several prominent and well-respected leaders of our county and within our own Precinct 4. Their support is meaningful to me and to the citizens of precinct 4.
I have attended almost every Commissioners Court meetings for more than a year. That’s important! Important debate occurs at these meetings. Important decisions are made during those meetings!!!
I believe In transparency in government. Decisions are not made behind closed doors, public meetings are not just “for show” … yes we do educate ourselves, research issues, and speak to advisors BUT THAT DOES NOT MINIMIZE the importance of public forum and public debate. Transparency as a commissioner is a promise I make to you!
But, it’s actually our future that I want to talk about......
Wise County is growing … we are on the brink of experiencing unprecedented growth. Growth creates both opportunities and challenges.
Public infrastructure, taxes, water resources, transportation and roads are big issues that need well-designed near- term and long- term plans.
Water is our most essential resource. Every meeting in our municipalities and nearly every constituent I speak to is concerned and talking about clean clear drinking water. Our aquifers that provide ground water to wise county are under stress.
Just this past month of March, the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation district had a record month for the most well permit applications.
As we continue to grow here in Wise County we must think outside the box to look for alternatives to our Water issue. Surface water solutions is a first step such as Rainwater Capture systems and other sources of surface water….sources that we control locally. Water must be part of our plans .. NOW.
As commissioner, another challenge I will focus on is transportation.
Transportation plays such an integral role in our quality of life. As your commissioner, the maintenance and repair of our county roads is a top priority …
but equally important is advocating for improvements and expansion of TxDOT-controlled Farm to Market roads and highways.
We have a good county road system, but if that smooth county road ends up on a congested and inadequate farm to market road…we are still going to be frustrated and upset.
And then there’s TAXES…
“I am for lower taxes.” One hears this often during political campaigns and among elected officials and community leaders.
But what does “lower taxes” really mean? In my experience, it means different things to different people.
But …. from road budgets to emergency response funding …. The fact is taxes are necessary.
I believe the key is for government, especially our county government, to run as efficiently as possible to serve the needs of our citizens.
Wise county has one of the lowest tax rates for a county it’s size. And there are several options available for our county to continue growing our tax base without increasing the property tax rate on our citizens … tax increment reinvestment zones, sales tax, chapter 381 agreements, and encouraging more business growth through the formation of a county industrial commission.
…. I want you to know that when I say that “I am for lower taxes” It’s not just talk. I mean it! And I am actively looking for ways to achieve that at our county level.
So what I’m taking about is Solutions !! Real solutions to our county’s challenges.
And solutions start with strong leadership—
A strong leader able to communicate, ….advocate …and lobby on behalf of the county and its citizens.
… A strong leader able to provide meaningful input to coordinated strategies & comprehensive plans that will pave the way for future generations to come.
This job is more than asphalt and potholes …..It’s more than roads and bridges…….it’s more than the budget……..it’s more than the tax rate……
This job is about shaping and molding the future of Wise County’s tomorrow, Wise County's … next year, and… 10, … 25, … 40 years from now.
If you love our community and Wise county as much as I do …. then Join me and let’s work together to ensure that Wise County continues to remain a great place to work, a great place to live and a great place raise a family!
I hope you consider my words, policy positions, and values … and I hope you agree that …
I am the most QUALIFIED candidate.
I am the most PREPARED candidate.
I am asking for you to Vote COLBY SHAWN FOR COMMISSIONER.
I will show up every day and will work tirelessly for you!
May God bless the United States of America;
May God bless Texas; and
May God bless Wise County.
Thank you,
3101 S. FM 51
Decatur, TX 76234
215 W. Elm
Alvord, TX 76225
420 E. Morton Ave
Boyd, TX 76023
1000 Thompson St
Bridgeport, TX 76426
Monday, May 16, 2022 7A-7P
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7A-7P
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7A-7P
Thursday, May 19, 2022 7A-7P
Friday, May 20, 2022 7A-7P
Tuesday May 24th
Precincts 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28 and 29
will vote at:
Bridgeport Lions Hall
1107 8th St
Bridgeport, TX 76426

Colby Shawn subscribes to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.